Open Source,Plug-and-Play React UI Components

Experimental React UI Components with Plain CSS
PaletteUI is an experimental UI component library 📚 referencing unique design patterns on existing user interface. Build your next web application with our boilerplate React code ⚛️ and customise the CSS to your own need.
How To use
PaletteUI is extremely customisable. Start integrating new components with these few steps.
Check dependency for each project
We use libraries and packages for better code readability and performance optimisation. You can find them at the info section on each project page.

Visit the repository folder on Github
You will find a index.js file and index.module.css on each project.

Copy and paste the code
After installing the required dependencies, copy the React code and its stylesheet to your own project.

Modify your CSS
As every project is written in plain old CSS, you can adapt the existing styles to any preferred CSS frameworks.